News & Events

|Beijing| 2024年4月10-15日,应瑞士日内瓦高等音乐学院之邀,由北京大学艺术学院陈均策划组织的北京大学京昆演出团参加“中国国际图书馆及其周边——1932-1950中国文化在欧洲的传播”学术研讨会,并参演两场音乐会,以纪念梅兰芳先生诞辰130周年、程砚秋先生诞辰120周年。学术研讨会和演出活动获得圆满成功!...
The 2023 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) Held in San Francisco
|San Francisco| On the morning of December 6, 2023, the 2023 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) (PKUEF (USA)) was held in San Francisco. ZhihongXu, Chairman of the Board, presided over the meeting. Board directors and...

California Governor Gavin Newsom Visits Peking University
|San Francisco| California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is on a weeklong trip to China, made a stop on the afternoon of Oct. 27 at Peking University (PKU), where he joined PKU teachers and students to discuss issues such as education and climate change and...

The 2022 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) Held Via Video Conference
|San Francisco| On the evening of December 13, 2022, the 2022 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) (PKUEF (USA)) was held via video conference with 9 board members participating. Zhihong Xu, Chair of the board, led the...

|San Francisco 为凝聚北美校友力量、交流海外校友工作经验、推进校友工作发展、助力新时代母校建设,北京时间2022年5月8日—9日,第九届北京大学北美校友代表大会举行。会议包括未名论坛、北美校友工作研讨会等环节。北京大学校长郝平,中国驻旧金山总领事馆代总领事潘庆江,北大副校长、校友会常务副会长王博,北大原副校长、校友会常务副会长王杰等出席大会。...

PKUEF (USA) Hiring for Full-time Project Manager
|San Francisco| 北京大学教育基金会(美国)招聘全职项目主管 招聘岗位:项目主管 招聘类型:全职 岗位职责: 1. 项目管理日常工作:年度项目预算、项目报告的收缴、整理、审核及报批 2. 项目管理相关制度、办法、流程及模板的修订与更新 3. 项目管理相关财务、审计、法务等事务的协助 4. 捐赠项目咨询及跟进 5. 办公室日常行政事务 6. 领导交办的其他任务 应聘条件: 1、大学本科及以上学历 2、责任心强,有团队协作精神,具有2年以上相关领域工作经验者优先考虑...