October 28, 2020
衷心感谢您对支援北美抗疫救灾专项的支持!美国当地时间2020年3月21日,北京大学教育基金会(美国)发起“支援北美抗疫救灾”(COVID-19 Relief Aid)专项筹款项目,得到北美地区校友、朋友的积极响应。截至10月28日晚,北京大学教育基金会(美国)支援北美抗疫救灾专项收到79笔捐款,金额72,256.51美元。在此谨向各位致以崇高的敬意和诚挚的感谢!
Notes: 因Paypal捐赠收取手续费,所以Gross Amount 与Net Amount有差别。
同舟共济、守望相助:北京大学教育基金会(美国) 携手各界力量 助力全球抗疫
“与北美同心” 第一批救援物资交付休斯敦一线医护人员
Honor Roll for Contributing to the COVID-19 Relief Aid
Dear Peking University alumni and friends,
We are deeply thankful for your support and contribution to the COVID-19 Relief Aid! On March 21, 2020, Peking University Education Foundation (USA) launched the COVID-19 Relief Aid and received abundant positive responses and strong support from many alumni and friends in the United States. As of the night of October 28, 2020,Peking University Education Foundation (USA) COVID-19 Relief Aid received a total of $72,256.51 from 79 gifts. We would like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our alumni and friends for your generous donations and encouraging support.
We promise that all donations to the COVID-19 Relief Aid will be properly received and managed. We will provide timely updates on the receiving and use of each of these donations.
Honor roll of Contributing to the COVID-19 Relief Aid is listed above.
Notes: There is a difference between the gross amount and net amount due to the service charge incurred for donations made via PayPal.