Peking University Education Foundation (USA), incorporated in 2001 in USA, California, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The EIN number is 943278466. The donor (individual or corporation) who donate to PKUEF (USA) is exempted from tax in the following occasions:
For Corporations
If the spending for public welfare donations is within 10% of the total annual profit of the corporation, the portion is permitted to be deducted when calculating the taxable income. The part in excess of the portion can be assessed into the following continuous 5 years for tax deduction.
For Individuals
If the donation amount is within 50% of the taxable income declared by the taxpayer, the portion is permitted to be deducted from the taxpayer’s taxable income. The part in excess of the portion can be assessed into the following continuous 5 years for tax deduction.
* PKUEF (USA) will send the donor an official letter of receipt with our Federal Tax Identification Number to acknowledge every gift, which normally is sufficient for your tax deduction. In order to ensure the daily operation, fundraising and project management, PKUEF (USA) charges 5%-7% administrative fee.
Contact Us
For assistance, please contact the Office of PKUEF(USA) in the US:
Peking University Education Foundation (USA)
1650 South Amphlett Boulevard, Suite 118
San Mateo, CA 94402 USA
Tel: 650-315-2880