The 2023 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) Held in San Francisco

December 19, 2023

|San Francisco|

On the morning of December 6, 2023, the 2023 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) (PKUEF (USA)) was held in San Francisco. ZhihongXu, Chairman of the Board, presided over the meeting.

Board directors and officers of PKUEF (USA) were re-elected during the annual meeting. After a review and approval of the 2023 Work Report of PKUEF (USA) presented by Lynn Zhao, President of PKUEF (USA), the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the 2023 Financial Report of PKUEF (USA) presented by Shirley Liu, Treasurer of the Foundation. The Board of Directors also reviewed the Foundation’s 2022 financial statements and auditing report presented by Baker Tilly. Besides, J. P. Morgan, the Outsourced Chief Investment Officer of PKUEF (USA), presented  performance review for the year 2023 and overall investment proposal in the long-term.

In 2023, with the guidance and support of the Board of Directors, the Foundation has remained focused on achieving its mission and vision and has also made strides in improving its governance and overall quality. The Board of Directors reviewed and approved the PKUEF (USA) Management Policies presented by Mandy Lai, Secretary of the Foundation, including the Rules and Regulations on Agreement Management (Update), Gift Acceptance Policy, Policies on Institutional Funds (Update), Rules and Regulations on Project Closure, and Employee Handbook. After reviewing the Project Reports and Performance of 2023 presented by Jean Wang, Project Manager of PKUEF (USA), the Board of Directors reviewed and approved project closure and the use of unrestricted funds.

The meeting also discussed important issues related to fundraising, finance, investment, and the operation and sustainable development of the Foundation. At the end of the meeting, the Board of Directors highly praised the outstanding achievements of the Foundation in recent years. Weifang Min, Founder and Vice-Chairman of PKUEF (USA), shared fond memories of the early days of the Foundation and reaffirmed its significant role in promoting the development of Peking University and the people-to-people exchanges between the United States and China. The Board of Directors expressed appreciation to all members for their hard work and contributions and encouraged everyone to continue their support for PKUEF (USA) in the future. Looking towards the future, the Board of Directors is resolved to maintain close collaboration with alumni and friends to promote cross-cultural exchanges between the United States and China and foster the community’s development.

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