PKUEF (USA) Flintstone Donor Event Held
August 19, 2021
|San Francisco| 8月13日下午,北京大学教育基金会(美国)于加州旧金山湾区中半岛希尔斯堡 (Hillsborough) 的“摩登原始人屋” (Flintstone House) 成功举办捐赠人交流及答谢活动。摩登原始人屋的主人是北京大学名誉校董、北京大学教育基金会(美国)理事、知名侨领方李邦琴女士。经过方女士的精心设计,摩登原始人屋已成为湾区280高速公路上的一处著名景观。 本次活动共有30余位北京大学校友及北大之友出席。基金会秘书赖萌女士作为活动主持人作开场致辞,向到场嘉宾表示热烈欢迎,并对摩登原始人屋的主人方女士表示了感谢。 在活动中,方女士与到场嘉宾分享了20年来自己与北京大学之间的故事,并介绍了自己捐资支持在北大开展的方李邦琴人文学科文库出版基金与对外汉语教育学院方李邦琴楼两个捐赠项目。方女士指出,北大是中国对外开放的重要窗口,是东西方文明交汇互动的平台和桥梁。北大人始终秉承人类命运共同体理念,凝聚力量,致力于搭建中美沟通与合作的桥梁。 摩登原始人屋在方女士心中象征着儿时的梦想,其设计和装修中的各处细节和巧思都秉承东西文化交融的理念。方女士就摩登原始人屋与市政府展开的诉讼则是方女士勇敢争取华人权益的实践。 北京大学教育基金会(美国)志愿者李怀玺校友代表基金会向多年以来支持基金会工作的捐赠人、老师,以及方女士表达了真挚的感谢。 北京大学教育基金会(美国)项目专员海梦媛向来宾介绍了基金会自成立以来的捐赠到账、捐赠协议签署及项目支出情况,以及目前设立的捐赠项目类别、数量及开展情况。在介绍到基金会设立的社会公益类项目时,海梦媛汇报了2020年基金会发起的支援武汉专项以及北美抗疫专项的执行情况。在介绍到国际交流类项目时,海梦媛向各位到场嘉宾分享了基金会基于自身宗旨和定位设立的北京大学国际交流与合作基金的情况和主要用途。 来访宾客在互动环节进行了自我介绍,并分享了向北京大学教育基金会(美国)捐赠的经历以及所支持的捐赠项目的意义。活动最后,北京大学教育基金会(美国)向方女士及各位捐赠人校友的精彩分享表示感谢,并希望大家持续关注北京大学的发展,共同携手,为北大的美好明天,为进一步促进中美交流与合作贡献力量。 The guests introduced themselves in the interactive session and shared their donation experiences at PKUEF (USA) and the significance of the projects they had supported. At the end of the event, PKUEF (USA) expressed gratitude to Mrs. Fang, the donors and alumni for sharing their wonderful stories. PKUEF (USA) also called on everyone to continue to pay attention and contribute to the long-term development of Peking University and China-U.S. relations. 文字:Eleana Hai 摄影:Lauren Krueger
On the afternoon of August 13, Peking University Education Foundation (USA) successfully held a donor event at the Flintstone House in Hillsborough, San Francisco Bay Area, California. The Flintstone House is owned by Mrs. Florence Fang, an honorary trustee of Peking University, board director of Peking University Education Foundation (USA), and a well-known overseas Chinese. After the meticulous decoration by Mrs. Fang, the Flintstone House has become a famous landscape on Interstate 280 in the Bay Area.
Approximately 30 alumni and friends of Peking University attended the event. As the moderator of the event and the secretary of PKUEF (USA), Ms. Mandy Lai gave the opening speech and welcomed all the guests. Ms. Lai also thanked the host, Mrs. Fang, for providing the beautiful Flintstone House for this event.
During the event, Mrs. Fang shared her story with Peking University over the past 20 years and introduced the donation projects she supported and were carried out in Peking University, including the Florence Lee Fang Building and Florence Fang Library of Humanities Fund. Mrs. Fang pointed out that Peking University has always been an important window for China’s opening up. It is a platform and a bridge for eastern and Western civilizations to meet and interact. Adhering to the concept of a community with a shared future for humanity, Peking University students and alumni have been dedicated to building a bridge of communication and cooperation between China and the United States.
The Flintstone House is a symbol of childhood dreams for Mrs. Fang. Its design and specialization in various details and ingenuity all adhere to blending Eastern and Western cultures. The lawsuit between Mrs. Fang and the city government over the Flintstone House is a practice of Mrs. Fang’s brave fight for the rights and interests of the Chinese-Americans.
On behalf of PKUEF (USA), Volunteer Mr. Huaixi Li expressed sincere appreciation for the support towards PKUEF (USA) from the donors, former staff, and Mrs. Fang over the years.
The Project Assistant of PKUEF (USA) Ms. Eleana Hai shared the data on the foundation’s received donations, donation agreements, and grants since the foundation’s establishment. Ms. Hai also introduced the six categories of donation projects, project amount, and implementation status. Referring to the category of Voluntary Services, Eleana reported on the outcomes of the Wuhan Relief Aid and COVID-19 Relief Aid launched by the foundation last year. Speaking of International Exchanges Project, Eleana introduced the Peking University International Exchange and Cooperation Fund established by the foundation based on its founding purpose.