2003 Annual Report
The Peking University Education Foundation (USA) is delighted to announce that, during the 2003 year, over $150,000 had been received from 187 individuals and organizations, substantially more then our previous year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the donors to our foundation. Your generosity and support has had visible and positive results on our campus.
The largest donation came from J. T. Tai & Co. Foundation, Inc., who contributed $50,000 to the scholarship program of the Institute of International Relations of Peking University for conducting research activities. It was the second time J. T. Tai & Co. Foundation Inc., gave support to the program since 2002. The program, requested by Prof. Yuan Ming, Director of the Institute, was designated Zhang Wenjin Scholarships which showed respect to Ambassador Zhang, working on the US-China relations from 1940s to 1990s, and the founding director of the institute. It was planned part of the program would be committed as scholarship to students in the field of US-China relations, and part for the some research projects.
In 2003, SARS, the deadly disease which had threatened the health of so many people, spread throughout of Beijing and other parts of the world. A total donation of US$21,651 from 140 individuals responded to the “Call for Donation to SARS Fund” letters sent by PKUEF(USA) through 11 alumni associations. Within a month time, the donations including finance and material supports were sent to the medical personnel fighting on the front line.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip and Shaw –Lwan Hsia Choong continued to contribute to the Choong Shin- Piaw Physics Education Fund set up in 2001. Mr. & Mrs. Choong had been making effort on the increasing and using of the fund. And they visited Peking University for the second time and attended the First Choong Fund Awarding Conference in Oct, 2003. On the conference, 26 undergraduates and graduated received the dissertation award. The Dean of the School of Physics thanks Mr. & Mrs. Choong, and acknowledges that the fund’s goal is to promote research and encourage students to take part in scientific studies.
GE Foundation made a pledge totaling $60,000, with $20,000 being awarded every year for 3 years. In the 2002-2003 academic year, 40 students received the scholarship. Since 1995, Peking University has had the continued support of GE Foundation, however this was the first time that both PKUEF(USA) and the GE Foundation collaborated.
The scholarships and stipends also gained care and attention from alumni and friends as usual. The beneficence includes $10,000 from Chinese-American Science and Technology Advancement Foundation (CAS– TAF), 27 students received financial support from the reward. Jingru Scholarship, $1,250 from Henry s. & Lisa Chang, help 5 students. And a couple of young alumni, Wu Xiangjun & Lu, Xueling, 92 Dynamics Department and 92 English donated $1,250, 5 students received this scholarship.