The 2020 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) Held Via Video Conference

September 8, 2020

|San Francisco|

On the evening of September 8, 2020, the 2020 Annual Board Meeting of Peking University Education Foundation (USA) (PKUEF (USA)) was held via video conference with 9 board members participating. Zhihong Xu, Chair of the board, led the meeting.

The 2020 annual board meeting of PKUEF (USA)


The board of directors reviewed and approved the 2019 and 2020 work report of PKUEF (USA) presented by Lynn Zhao, President of the Foundation, and the 2019 and 2020 financial report of PKUEF (USA) presented by Jessica Tang, Treasurer of the Foundation.

The 2020 annual board meeting of PKUEF (USA)

The board of directors reviewed the Foundation’s 2018 financial statements and auditing report. J. P. Morgan, Outsourced Chief Investment Officer of the Foundation, presented a report on the Foundation’s investment performance for the years of 2019 and 2020. Directors exchanged questions and thoughts.

J.P. Morgan presenting the 2019 and 2020 Investment Performance Report

In recent years, under the board of directors’ guidance and with its support, PKUEF (USA) has been developing rapidly. PKUEF (USA) has actively advanced all aspects of its work, especially in terms of standardization and institutionalization. At the meeting, the board of directors reviewed and approved PKUEF (USA) Management Policies presented by Mandy Lai, Secretary of the Foundation, reviewed the project reports of PKUEF (USA) and approved the updated 2020-2021 Project Budget Application presented by Eleana Hai, Program Assistant of PKUEF (USA).

The board of directors spoke highly of the meeting and complimented the management of the Foundation on doing an excellent job. Facing the future, the board of directors are determined that the foundation will stay committed to its mission and vision and continue to work together with alumni and friends to promote people-to-people exchanges and to make contribution to the community.

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